Branding: The Best Answer for ‘Who Are You?’

What is Branding?
In the world of business, the topic of branding is a hot one and should always gain our attention. A brand is everything that identifies and distinguishes a product from another – name, logo, color scheme, tone, tagline, font style, employees, reputation, etc. In marketing, we use branding to create and emphasize the individuality of a competitive product or service. This uniqueness also shares the story of the company. Brand is essential to be created and managed since it’s strongly linked to loyalty and makes the foundation of your company’s future.
Your Objectives as a Brand You Should Achieve
A brand’s purpose is to communicate its promise, create and deepen brand perceptions and meet expectations. This communication is towards your consumers to find a unique solution for their needs, get their attention, create the desire within them to take action and have a bite of what you offer. After achieving, don’t forget to take good care of your beloved customers to be gifted with their loyalty.
Loyalty is what makes your consumer use your products over and over again, and these are the returning customers who will spread the word about your brand. This is where you created an image within them about your company. Image is the reflection of the picture in your consumers’ mind you created with your branding.
On the other hand, you must pay attention to your employees as well. These are the people, who create that product of yours and a great factor in making your brand stronger – or weaker – since they’re also a part of your branding process. What you communicate towards your customers in sales should also be present when caring for your employees behind the scenes. By providing them competitive salaries, a safe workplace, bonuses, smooth communication within the company and listening to their needs your people will be motivated, therefore, they’ll happily represent and strengthen the brand they work for.
Importance of Branding
Your brand identity is how you want to be perceived by your consumers and helps you create your image within their mind. And what can be more important than the first thought, the first feeling your potential customers have about you?
“91% of consumers would rather buy from an authentic brand” Adweek
Steps of Defining Your Brand
As I’ve mentioned before, a brand is everything that defines you, your company. It’s the name, logo, colors, tone, tagline, font style and all the other elements you use and combine. When choosing these components, you should think about how they will resonate with your message, your promise, your goals. If you can find and define your niche, you’ll also find the elements for your brand.
For example, you’re a company offering healthy, organic food for people who would like to follow a healthy lifestyle. Your logo can be a leaf with a light shade of green – representing nature, health –, a smooth, elegant font style – reflecting the ease and purity. Since health is a great value in life, your writing should sound professional but easy to understand for your customers because might not all of them are doctors. Last but not least, your tagline may sound simple with a meaningful message behind, like ‘Meals Purified for You’.