11 Reasons why you need to Redesign your Website
Your website is a huge part of your business. It is the place that your customers come to find out more about what you can offer and who you are. Therefore, when it comes to your website, you always need to keep an eye out for signs that things might not be working as well as they should.

There are plenty of signs that the time has come to refresh and redesign your website. Here are 11 of the top warnings suggesting that things need changing.
1. Your website is not responsive
It is vitally important in this modern world that your website is responsive. People are much more likely to visit a website on their mobile phone, which means that if your website is not responsive it’s almost like it would not exist.
2. You have an outdated design
In order to be seen as a business that is professional and that has its finger on the pulse, you need to make sure that you have a fresh and bold design. A stale website is going to make your visitors think that the services or products that you offer are outdated too.
3. It has a chaotic navigation structure
One of the main causes for bounce rates is that your website is too chaotic and complex in its navigation. Your visitors are going to want to find what they are looking for in 2-3 clicks, else they are going to move on to another website.
4. It has a long loading time
People want their information to be passed to them as quickly as possible, so, if your website takes too long to load, then they are going to find a website that is quicker.
5. It isn’t secure
We are all aware of how important it is to stay safe and secure online, which means that visitors are going to be on the lookout for your security measures. If your website isn’t secure, then it is not going to be one that people trust.
6. It has old text and images
You need to make sure that your website is in keeping with the rest of your brand identity. If there is a mismatch between your messaging and imagery then visitors are less likely to see you as a cohesive brand.
7. You include flash animation
Flash animation is something that many old websites had. However, as times have moved on, these animations are not quite as viewable as they once were. In fact, those viewed on iPhones or iPads will not even display.
8. The URL you have is old
Your URL should only consist of words, if it has numbers then it is old and needs to be changed.
9. There are no website statistics
In order to see how your website is performing, you need to make sure that you have website statistics to view and work with. If you don’t have a way to register the behaviour of your website visitors, then there is no way you can adapt your business to your clients’ needs.
10. You don’t have a CMS
A Content Management System allows you to update your website independently. This also means you will be able to make some changes necessary to increase your Google rating on your own. So if CMS is not built in, you really need to have a new website with this function available to you.
11. Your company has been rebranded
If you have recently been rebranded or revamped as a company, then you need to make sure your website reflects these changes.
It might seem like there are a lot of reasons why you may need to re-think your website, but it is incredibly important to make the effort. A relaunched, redesigned website will align better with your brand and rank higher on Google. It is also likely that you will have a much higher conversion rate when compared to old and stale website. Your website should always evolve to reflect the development and successes of your business.
If you’d like to redesign your website, please get in touch.