Interview with Norbert Lustig, Manager and Board Member, DMVÖ

Interview Q’s & A’s:
BCM: What experience do you have in your field?
As a dialogue marketing agency, we have specialised in B2B (dialogue) marketing for many years. Our performance portfolio ranges from strategy, conception and support for lead generation to the development of complex, individually controlled customer loyalty programs.
BCM: Where do you see the potential associated with marketing automation?
Wherever a base exists, such as an up-to-date database in conjunction with a strategy agreed for all channels. But above all, within sales support.
BCM: Which of your marketing measures or tools were well received by the customer? Please describe one of your success stories.
Establishing a customer loyalty program for retailers in the commercial area via online, offline and personal sales channels. As a result in the first 2 years, sales / DB growth rates were almost x3 higher in this target group compared to traders who were not included in the program.
BCM: Are there any new B2B trends that you are particularly interested in?
Personally, I see 3 trends:
- Use or optimisation of marketing automation measures.
- Integration of social media in the B2B marketing mix. It is no longer ‘whether’, but ‘how’ you can use these mediums optimally and what goals you set yourself; and that you measure them!
- From push, to pull marketing: which activities in my target group result in gaining attention, and which are redirected, automatically ‘by themselves’, to my company/website/social media site.
BCM: Thinking about the next generation, is there a topic that is particularly important to you?
B2B marketing is cool and fun! It would be nice if we succeeded in inspiring many young marketers for this discipline. There are already many great B2B companies that make excellent campaigns, unfortunately, too few are known!
The original interview was conducted in German for