Interview with Susanne Kelz-Schmid, Marketing Specialist, Leykam Let’s Print Holding

BCM: What experience do you have in your field?
I have been a marketing specialist for 3 years at LEYKAM Let’s Print Holding AG, an international web offset printing company. Before that, I worked for many international advertising agencies, where I also managed B2B customers.
BCM: Where do you see the potential associated with marketing automation?
When it comes to executing a deployment, I see potential for greater efficiency in customer management as well as customer relationship transparency.
BCM: Which of your marketing measures or tools were well received by the customer? Please describe one of your success stories.
When it comes to executing a deployment, I see potential for greater efficiency in customer management as well as customer relationship transparency.
BCM: Are there any new B2B trends that you are particularly interested in?
Customer relationship management is becoming increasingly important to me, which is capable of producing a healthy profit when combined with new digital media.
BCM: Thinking about the next generation, is there a topic that is particularly important to you?
No matter what job you do, a good briefing is the most important start for a successful marketing campaign. The task must be clearly defined, the goal should be understandable for everyone. On its way there, the communication must be documented clearly, analytically and comprehensively.
The original interview was conducted in German for