Web design – where to start?
Your website should be the pride of your company. This is where potential customers come in the first place to look for information or contact details. Well-designed pages can boost your chances of success in the industry and gain new customers.

Website – its prominence in your brand
Your website should be the pride of your company. This is where potential customers come in the first place to look for information or contact details. Well-designed pages can boost your chances of success in the industry and gain new customers.
Proper plan
First of all, you need to consider what content you want to share. What elements will be on each sub-page? Is it going to be text, images, video or downloads? It cannot be arbitrary. If you think through the whole layout, you will avoid a lack of cohesion and chaos and communication with your clients will be more effective.
Target audience
Much depends on the audience to which your page is addressed. Some prefer textual content, others visual. That is why knowing your audience is so important. The same applies to the topic of the content, adjusting it in terms of the needs and preferences of your customers (style, text length, examples). Therefore it is crucial to first define your buyer persona.
Navigation on your page should be intuitive. It means that users should find desired information in an easy way and without much effort. For many people it is obvious that a search bar should be in the upper right corner and the links to social media in the footer. Sometimes standard solutions are the best. Make sure that users will move smoothly between sub-pages. Try the drop down menu instead of using the traditional menu bar. Or maybe you have another idea? The most crucial thing is to make navigation simple and user friendly.
Graphic design
Graphic layout should include 2 to 3 leading colours and up to 4 additional ones. It all depends on the activities of your company. Light blue and grey are associated with the business environment. Deep and intense blue are pervasive in the technology industry. Whatever you decide remember to stay within your company’s brand design guidelines. Sometimes 1 colour is enough and sometimes even 3 will not be suffice.
Usefulness and clarity
Make sure there is not too much content. It is important to have ‘white space’, that is spaces between individual paragraphs and elements, as well as wide margins. It will make it easier for your prospects to find what interests them. Ask yourself: does my page fulfil all necessary functions? Does it explain the range of my company’s services and the way of contacting other representatives? That should be its ultimate goal.
Do not rush while coding your website. First, make sure that all elements are visible, do not overlap and above all, make sure they load correctly. Check it on all kinds of search engines and operating systems. Work on all the mistakes you have noticed and do not leave anything for later.
Remember, that good site composition affects the reception of content and your customer’s attitude. Too many elements and mess may discourage users from using the page. Also this time the rule of ‘less is more’ works well. A well designed website must be user friendly, easy to navigate, load quickly and well optimised for search engines.
It is essential to work with a partner who not only offers excellent design skills, but also will spend time to understand your business and needs, opens a dialogue with your clients and most of all has experience in the industry. This ensures your new website will be serving you well for a long time. Contact us for a free consultation.