How to create a Landing Page?
Landing Pages are gaining in popularity. Entrepreneurs try to engage prospective customers and provide them with the information that best suits their needs. What exactly is a Landing Page and how can it help your business?

What is a Landing Page?
A user browsing the Internet notices your advertisement, clicks on it and is then redirected to a Landing Page that is an extension of the content of the ad. Its primary purpose is to transform an average user into a potential client. This process inspires confidence in the brand, informing other users about your offer or initiating a purchase.
What does a good Landing Page look like?
In order to create a good Landing Page that will satisfy all the needs of your customers, you need to take into account a number of factors.
Defining clear objectives is the most crucial part of the whole process. Why did you launch it? What is it supposed to share with your customer? Do you want to make your customer trust you or buy your product or services? It all depends on adopting the proper strategy.
Call to action
Your website is intended to encourage the user to take an action. Call to action buttons such as ‘Order now’ or ‘Complete the form’ should be available. Also, the use of verbs increases the dynamism of the text and makes it easy to understand. You only have a few seconds to trigger interest.
Give up rich layout and a thousand extra features. In this case less means more. Hide the menu bar and focus on minimalism. All additional elements only distract the user and eventually discourage them from acting. They will leave your page after feeling lost.
Remember, you are not selling a product or a service. You are selling a solution to a problem, a sense of security. You should meet you customers’ demands. The benefits coming from a purchase of a particular product or a service should be at the top of your Landing Page. Let them be unique with special regard to the needs and desires of the customer.
Easy contact
Contact details should be clearly displayed. The fine print on the side of the page will negatively affect the feedback frequency.
Optimalisation, that is tests, tests, tests…
Launching your Landing Page is only half the story. It is important to optimise – adapt to the needs of a given customer segment. Who are your customers and what are their needs? Would they rather watch a video, read a description or maybe both?
Do not forget the colour symbolism. Red stimulates the activity, green calms. You should also pay attention to the layout. The right-handed person would first look at the upper left corner, the left-handed person on the upper right one. Does all content fit the screen? Scrolling down is an extra effort that not all users are willing to make.
What about the mobile version? People more often use the Internet on their mobile phones these days. Is the interface user-friendly? Are the buttons large enough and site navigation intuitive?
“Long landing pages can generate 220% more leads than the short ones.” Marketing Experiments
The advantages of a Landing Page
A Landing Page can be an effective tool in promoting your business and building your brand. First of all they are low cost. Once created, Landing Pages will serve you for a long time, attracting new customers. Moreover, it generates good traffic. Prospective customers have already made some effort, they know what they are looking for. Finalising the purchase is quite possible, especially if you make it a little easier. A Landing Page is an extra entry on the search result list – the chance of visiting your page increases.
Do you know now what a Landing Page is and how to make it effective? Let’s get down to work! Take care of your Landing Page and enjoy the growth of your business. A well created Landing Page is the first step towards a purchase.
If you’re thinking about your own landing page – contact us, we can help you!