Podcast Interview with Rhian Williams-Zielinski, Head of Marketing & Communications, Majenta Solutions
Black Cliff Media’s Managing Partner Edward Loades met with Rhian Williams-Zielinski, Head of Marketing and Communications at Majenta to find out which marketing tools and approaches this technology service provider employs and why.

Edward Loades: Okay, so we’re here today with Rhian Williams-Zielinski, . She’s Head of Marketing Communications here at Majenta. And thank you so much indeed for joining us.
Rhian Williams-Zielinski: You’re welcome!
Edward Loades: And would you just give a little, just a little intro about what you do here at Majenta Solutions, and then we can discuss your objectives for the years and topical marketing agenda for our audience. So, yeah.
Rhian Williams-Zielinski: Yeah, of course, a Majenta Solutions were based in Coventry. And we’ve also got an office in Brentwood down in Essex, and we’re predominantly a technology service provider servicing design, engineering and manufacturing companies. They can be anything from large LEM areas right down to small exciting start-ups. And we provide certain software, Technology Services consultancy have our own training academy and that reaches across industries such as automotive industry, aerospace, construction or digital construction and general manufacturing as well.
Edward Loades: Great. And so we’ll just, we’ll dive straight in with some, just a couple of questions. So what sort of approaches are you using to engage with your with your target audience at the moment?
Rhian Williams-Zielinski: So it’s quite funny actually. And I’ve been discussing it quite a lot recently how it’s always done full circle from, you know, 15 odd years ago when I first started doing market research, and I was doing market research for account based marketing and that’s one of our key objectives this year is to keep working on account based marketing. So the tools are different, and how we can implement and use account based marketing has changed.
Rhian Williams-Zielinski: But we’re doing it again. And, and for us that we can be so targeted. And you’ve heard me talk about Majenta were quite a confusing, or we could be seen as quite a confusing company, and with different divisions, looking after different industries, different software, but actually we are a company and I need to try and get that across. So for us account based marketing, we can be really specific within the certain campaigns, certain software, we’re trying to sell a certain training course.
But we can also really speak to our customers about who we are, what else we do, our objectives, how we can help them and so the tools are different for account based marketing, but it’s really important for us now, and then social media advertising for us is we’re just using it so much and again for account based marketing purposes – you can be so targeted.
And you can target one customer if you wanted to with certain pieces of content and listening to them coming up with how you can help how Majenta can solve their challenges. So we’re definitely seeing a lot of good results coming from social media advertising. And again for us it’s another full circle of 15 years ago where you stand on and trade show stands. We went through over the last few years, we’ve been doing a lot of our own events, hosting our own events, which are still really popular, but they’re really, really hard work to arrange. And actually over the last year or so we’ve got really great engagement from attending trade shows.
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