Social media – promotional boost

Social Media, A New Era…
Social media has created a new era of online communication. They are used not only by family members or amongst friends, but also small and big companies have noticed their advantages. Now more than ever, the Internet has become a business tool.
Almost everyone has an account in at least one social media channel. But, even though social media were originally supposed to be a channel for communicating with friends, they turned out to have real potential in business.
“84% of C-level and VP-level buyers are influenced by social media when purchasing” – IDG
First steps with social media
You do not need much to generate traffic on the official website of your company if you use social media. What you need is creative graphic imagery, exciting content and a competitive service or product offer. It is also important to provide the most essential business information about the company. You cannot omit links to the official website or blog as well as the description of what your company specialises in and further contact details.
Keep in touch with the Internet community
Presence within the Internet community is intended to direct users to the official page of the company so that they can become acquainted with its offer. For this to happen, you should consistently, but unobtrusively, encourage Internet users to interact. Every now and then, it is worthwhile to present a few events related to your business activity or to invite users to your official site or blog where they can find interesting content.
Moreover, give up formal language/pros. Internet users do not want to be presented with dull statements and facts. They want engaging dialogues that are full of slogans and emotions.
There are several ways to inform your customers about your presence in social media. The simplest and cheapest method is to send mailings and put fresh information up in the news tab. However, a newsletter is not always read carefully and news can be easily replaced.
One of the popular methods is to place special widgets on the page. Their primary advantage is that they are always visible for the visitors. The widget may only inform about specific profiles of the company or it can be more complex. It may also include the number of fans the page has as well as a button to join the group of fans.
Prepare your budget for the promotion in social media
How many companies have launched various contests and gadget giveaways in social media? The number is indefinite. You can encounter more and more interesting competitions where you can win small gadgets or even luxurious products. They are organised exclusively for the users who clicked ‘like’ on the company’s profile. The competition is therefore the easiest way to encourage users to check the offer of the company by participating in the game.
The devil is in the detail
Social media profiles should continually be updated in order to highlight your company’s ongoing growth. The more interesting the materials are, the more positive the reception from your prospective clients.
In order to gain trust on the Internet, it is important to provide only honest information about the company and its products as well as paying close attention to the way it is presented. Aggressive posts about the products or discounts without substantial content may have t opposite effect.
Social media are great tools allowing you to gather lots of information about the preferences, expectations and opinions of your potential customers. Through these channels you can present yourself or sell a product or service. However, you can also share events important to company and carry out an engaging discussion that can inspire the company’s development.
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